American Legion Riders 253 Donate to KC Riley Kids Fund
Press Releases
3 years ago

The American Legion Riders 253 out of North Webster recently presented a donation in the amount of $2,000 to the Kosciusko County Riley Kids Fund.
The Kosciusko County Riley Kids Fund is a component fund of the Kosciusko County Community Foundation. The fund provides support to Riley Children’s Hospital and financial assistance in the form of gas and food cards to local families with a child being treated at Riley Children’s Hospital. Since the fund was established in 2010, it has awarded over 3,000 grants to the hospital and to families in need of assistance.
Ronald Ringle of the American Legion Riders presented the check to the Community Foundation. He said that the donation represented proceeds from an annual breakfast they host and from the annual Mike Elwood Memorial Motorcycle Ride.
Kosciusko County Community Foundation, Inc. is a public charity whose mission is to bring caring people and charitable endeavors together to inspire generosity and strengthen communities. The Community Foundation grants about $3 million annually in the areas of education, health, arts and culture, recreation, civic projects, environment and human services. Gifts made to the Community Foundation are tax-deductible. For more information, visit, call 574-267-1901 or visit 102 E. Market Street, Warsaw.