Edward R. and Patricia L. Likens Fund Established at Community Foundation
4 months ago
The Edward and Patricia Likens Fund was recently established at the Kosciusko County Community Foundation through a Charitable Remainder Trust to meet the changing needs of Kosciusko County.
Pat and Ed were owners of Likens Tax Service and Service Liquors. Ed was a United States Air Force veteran. He was a banking professional and a member of the Warsaw Masonic Lodge, Ft. Wayne Valley Scottish Rite, Mizpah Shrine Kosciusko County Shrine Club, American Legion Post #49, VFW Post #1126, Warsaw Elks, and served on various nonprofit boards. Ed and Pat were active members of Saint Annes Episcopal Church and were extensive travelers.
The donation qualified for a $2 to $1 match. Thanks to a generous opportunity offered by Lilly Endowment Inc, gifts to Unrestricted Endowment funds that support local needs may qualify to be matched $2 to $1. This match opportunity ends December 31, 2025, or when the Kosciusko County Community Foundation raises $750,000. Call 574-267-1901 for more information.