Order By

Morgan Adkins

Quentin Aldridge

Michelle Apeland

Abigail Arter

Shelby Baker

Sarah Barker

Amber Beer

Lillian Beer

Benjamin Bolduc
- The Robert T. and Emma Gilliam Memorial Fund Endowment
- Roy Hine Performing Arts Foundation Fund
- Selma McKrill Brown Educational Fund
- Robert & Lenny Nichols Scholarship
- Elmer E. Ostrom Scholarship Endowment
- Pfeiffer-Rarick Scholarship Endowment
- The B. Franklin and Eleanore Ringle Educational Endowment

Landen Bremer

Christian Burkholder

Delaney Byron

Emily Carr

Caroline Cartmel

Emily Cassidy

Noah Chew

Emma Christenberry

Caleb Cordova

Wrigley Crabtree

Noah Crandall

Ashley Diecks

Rachel Doyle
- Ben Bibler Body for LIFE Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Bott Science Scholarship Fund
- Breakfast Optimist Club of Warsaw, IN Scholarship Fund
- Camelot Scholarship Fund
- Selma McKrill Brown Educational Fund
- Sergeant Terry Polston Memorial Fund
- The B. Franklin and Eleanore Ringle Educational Endowment
- Kailey Lynn Zehr Memorial Scholarship Fund

Allison Dubbeld

Nicole Eckert

Alek Fehlmann

Brielle Fehlmann

Austin Fortman

Matthew Fribley

Alexis Funnell

Vivian Gaerte

Landon Gause

Alexandra Valentin Gonzalez

Aaron Greene
- Merl M. and Jean M. Gibson Scholarship Fund
- The Robert T. and Emma Gilliam Memorial Fund Endowment
- McDonald Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Selma McKrill Brown Educational Fund
- Murphy College Fund
- The B. Franklin and Eleanore Ringle Educational Endowment
- The Lyn Sasso Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Kailey Lynn Zehr Memorial Scholarship Fund

Jordan Grindle

Sophia Guerra

Lilli Gunder

Benjamin Haines

Emily Haines

Grace Hanes

Lydia Harrison
- Cecil Armstrong Educational Endowment
- The Helen and Carl Berkey Educational Endowment
- Chauncey L. Griffith Educational Fund
- Selma McKrill Brown Educational Fund
- The Rob Morton Scholarship Fund
- Robert & Lenny Nichols Scholarship
- Janet Marie Rager Memorial Scholarship Fund
- The B. Franklin and Eleanore Ringle Educational Endowment

Driedyn Hernandez

Brandon Hoffman

Hannah Jansma

Valeria Jimenez

Daniel Malagon Juarez

Damion Kohler

Corissa Koontz

Devon Kuhn
- Edward and Huldah Brandenburg Scholarship Endowment
- Ralph & Lucetta Frantz Scholarship Fund
- Andy Kryder Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Ruth Ladd Medical Scholarship Fund
- McDonald Memorial Scholarship Fund
- June Reed Nursing Scholarship Fund
- Karo Smith Coy Nursing Scholarship Fund
- Richard and Gladys Stewart Nursing Scholarship Fund

Braydon Locke

Kristina Long

Macelyn Marcuccilli

Moirin McNamara

Meredith McNeeley

Joelle Messenger

Joshua Metcalf

Josie Miller

Emily Murphy

Morgan Nichols

Mackenzie Oldham

Katherine Ousley

Ian Peloza

Nolan Perry

Chloe Peyton

Braydyn Poe

Abbigail Porter
- Edward and Huldah Brandenburg Scholarship Endowment
- The Robert T. and Emma Gilliam Memorial Fund Endowment
- McDonald Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Kenneth and Cecile Parks Memorial Scholarship for Nursing
- Margaret Reafsnyder Memorial Scholarship Fund
- The B. Franklin and Eleanore Ringle Educational Endowment
- Richard and Gladys Stewart Nursing Scholarship Fund
- Everett & Ethel Vandermark Scholarship Fund

Brittany Price

Ashrafur Rahman

Abby Rahn

Olivia Renier

Hunter Rice

Crystal Rivera

Reagan Rowland

Mackenzie Schannep

Hannah Shapiro

Hannah Shaw

Whitney Shepherd

Jack Shoemaker

Marissa Sills

Isabella Silva

Avery Sleeth

Mercedes Snapp

Lauren Sponseller

Hannah Starrett

Abi Stevens

Murphy Stewart

Angella Stichter
- The Helen and Carl Berkey Educational Endowment
- Edward and Huldah Brandenburg Scholarship Endowment
- Robert E. and Susan R. Brennan Scholarship Fund
- Merl M. and Jean M. Gibson Scholarship Fund
- Chauncey L. Griffith Educational Fund
- Dr. Harold Mason Memorial Scholarship Endowment
- McDonald Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Selma McKrill Brown Educational Fund

Elizabeth Stone

Jennifer Straits
- The Helen and Carl Berkey Educational Endowment
- The Edward B. & Mary Edith Funk Educational Endowment
- Merl M. and Jean M. Gibson Scholarship Fund
- The Robert T. and Emma Gilliam Memorial Fund Endowment
- Chauncey L. Griffith Educational Fund
- Selma McKrill Brown Educational Fund
- Ray and Jan Monteith Scholarship Fund
- Janet Marie Rager Memorial Scholarship Fund
- The B. Franklin and Eleanore Ringle Educational Endowment

Brent Studebaker

Bailey Stutzman

Claire Taggart

Delaney Taylor

Casey Trombley

Aden Wade

Ryan Zorn