Community Foundation Receives Implementation Grant Through Lilly Endowment Inc.
Press Releases
3 weeks ago
Kosciusko County Community Foundation received a grant of $1,034,500 from Lilly Endowment Inc. through the Community Leadership Implementation Grants component of the eighth phase of its Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT VIII) initiative. The funding will be used to help Habitat for Humanity of Kosciusko County increase access to safe, affordable housing in Kosciusko County and to build a network of housing-related services through the creation of a housing coalition. Additionally, the funding will be used to engage Intend Indiana for the completion of a land bank feasibility study to gauge whether the development of a land bank is an appropriate tool for securing properties for the development of housing.
This grant is one of 30 implementation grants being awarded through GIFT VIII, a statewide Lilly Endowment initiative designed to support the efforts of community foundations and their partners to strengthen quality of life for the people in the towns, cities, and counties they serve.
“Affordable housing is a foundational component of a thriving community that ensures everyone, regardless of income, has a safe place to call home. We are proud to be partnering with Habitat for Humanity and Intend Indiana to increase access to safe and affordable housing and explore ways to meet more needs of our neighbors and friends in Kosciusko County,” said Stephanie Overbey, CEO of the Kosciusko County Community Foundation.