KC Riley Kids Fund receives more than $80,000 during two-day radiothon
Press Releases
2 years ago
The Kosciusko County Community Foundation is pleased to announce that Riley Radio Days, hosted by WRSW 107.3 FM for the Kosciusko County Riley Kids Fund, raised more than $80,000 last week.
During the two-day event, WRSW aired interviews with local families who have been helped by the KC Riley Kids Fund. Numerous listeners called into the show to donate; others gave directly online or dropped off gifts. Generous local businesses, sponsors and volunteers rounded out the successful event.
Dollars raised during Riley Radio Days go to the KC Riley Kids Fund, held at the Community Foundation. Half of the fund’s dollars directly support Riley Children’s Hospital. The other half supports local families who have children at Riley.
Alan Alderfer and Mike Bergen, founders of the KC Riley Kids Fund, both have children who were treated at Riley. They quickly discovered the financial strain that a child’s serious illness can place on a family. After living through the experience themselves, they decided to establish the KC Riley Kids Fund. Since 2010, the fund has awarded more than $629,000 in grants to support Riley Children’s Hospital and to assist local families.
Kosciusko County residents who need assistance from the KC Riley Kids Fund can call the Help Center at 574-372-3500 to schedule an appointment. Those wishing to make a gift to the fund can visit the Community Foundation’s website at kcfoundation.org/donate or mail a check to Kosciusko County Community Foundation, 102 E Market Street, Warsaw, IN 46580. Be sure to write “KC Riley Kids Fund” in the memo line.